You want to be creative? The playground is yours. No matter the age or talent. All the obstacles that stand in our way to creative expression are self made. We do have the choice to go out and play freely. We are not prisoners to our life circumstances. We just are not willing to step over our fears and our inner critic.
Maybe you heard it before: "One has to study arts to become a good artist." or: "Artmaking is only for talented geniuses, who dedicate every minute to their art."
I understand why it is important for some people to make this point. But I believe that no matter your prehistory, - art and creative expression are always worth to explore. To me art is a tool of personal and collective expansion and it serves the heart and spirit of us as humanity.
Art is the space of freedom, where we get to know our inner realms and at the same time connect with our environment. It can be a powerful tool for healing and transformation, if we allow ourselves to really dive into the process. This is for Everyone! I don´t say that every human should be a professional artist, although I would love that idea thought ;) But I think every human who feels the curiosity and pull to artmaking, should feel free to give it a try.
Art is a meaningful part of our world culture. It is a historical mirror of our collective life on the planet. Just imagine our world without it, - how empty and flat it would be!
There are countless ways to explore your creativity and unique expression.
Dare to take a step towars your desires.
Look at all the tools we are given as humans for exploring creative expression.
We have a body, a voice, our mind and spirit. Many of us those days explore only a very small amount of our given potential.
I want to give you one simple tool today for starting out on your journey to creation:
Take a piece of paper, take a pen and put the pen right to the paper.
Stay there for a moment. Observe how that feels. Then make one bold line and do not care about the question of right and wrong. From there connect back with another line to your starting point but this time, you take your time and let the pen flow. Maybe with straight zick zack lines, maybe with a round and flowing attitude. Then close the shape and observe how it makes you feel. Are you satisfied or does it feel „not right“? Let it be that way.
Now repeat the procedure and this time, take even more time to make the movement of the pen as slowly as possible. Remember, there is nothing to do „right“ here. You don´t have to make it beautiful or even like it. But if you do, don´t bother it either.
Make your shapes and simply observe how your hand is moving and how it feels to touch the paper with it. Create your lines and simply follow it with curiosity. Nothing needs to be in a certain way here. You just take the freedom to play, using your body, mind and spirit to explore.
In art it is all about how you feel in the moment. If it feels good to do the lines, it doesn´t matter if it looks „right“ to you or beautiful. It is already your unique expression. Nobody would have done it the way you just did. And from there, take more steps towards nun judgmental artmaking.
If you wish to be supported on your art journey I can be your mentor and cheerleader.
Let´s have a chat and see what we can do together.